Friday, May 6, 2011

English through Song ^_^


Song's Title: Mean
Singer: Taylor Swift

This song describes bullies. Taylor Swift wrote the lyrics to express her feelings when she was hurt by someone. Look at these words below? What's your opinion on these words??

i)   mean
ii)  take me down
iii) knocked me off
iv) somebody made you cold
v)  words like knives and swords and weapons
vi)  pointed out my flaws
vii) voice like nails on chalkboard

Can you guess the answer? 
Actually, all the words above give us an apt description of a bully.

Then, look at this phrase:
"But the cycle ends right now"  
What's your views about the phrase?
Answer: She is expressing on how she is standing up for herself and refusing to be bullied.

Following activity: You can write your own feelings based on your own experience regarding the song. 

Adapted from: Quest Issue No: 88

Thursday, May 5, 2011

BaCk tO OuR RoOtS :)

Interjections??? What's that?


Hi!! Let us see how we can use idioms to describe emotions. Today I will share with all of you 3 interesting idioms. 

1) weep with joy: cry out of happiness.

Ex: When Mimi saw the cat was badly bruised but alive, he wept with joy. 

2) quaking in one's boots: when someone is extremely scared.

Ex: Hishamoto was quaking in his boots when he saw his village flattened by the tsunami and dead bodies washed-up amidst the debris.
3) rooted to the spot: unable to move because of fear.

Lina and her son stood rooted to the spot as they saw a mighty wall of water approaching them. 

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