Computer (Form 2)

·          Introduction to Microsoft Excel

  • Microsoft Excel allows the user to:
                 i) create spreadsheets
                ii) calculate formulas  
               iii) create graphics to support the data. 

Microsoft Excel Logo

  • It is a commonly used by individuals to understand everything from personal finances to financial for annual reports to engineering and statistical data.

1. Spreadsheets

-Microsoft Excel contains spreadsheets.
-Each spreadsheet contains thousands of cells that are sorted into columns and rows.
-The letters at the top of the worksheet define the columns and the numbers at the left label the worksheet rows.

2. Charts & graphs

 -Another practical feature of Excel is the ability to create charts and graphs:
 i) The types of charts available: bar, column, pie, line and area.
ii) The graphs available: scatter, stock, surface, doughnut, bubble  
                                      and radar. 
-One way to make a chart in Excel is to select the data on the spreadsheet and press the "F11" key on the keyboard.

3. Formatting

-Excel allows for formatting. For example: Numbers can be formatted as currency, percentages and even phone and Social Security numbers.
-A number can be converted to a fraction. 
-The cell's background can be highlighted to a different colour too. 

Introduction to Microsoft Excel Basic |


Interface of Microsoft Excel

Functions and Descriptions

Main Menu
Main menu consist of 9 commands (File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Data, Window and Help) which is the first letter of the commands word was underline. 

Otherwise you can open all of the commands word with enter ALT + letter
~Example, enter ALT + F  to open menu File.

Formatting Toolbar

Standard Toolbar

Formula Bar
Formula Bar is a bar (row) located above column heading. 

Any data contain in the active cell will be displayed in the formula bar.

Column Heading
For each worksheet in Microsoft Excel, it consists of  256 column and each column will represent one letter;  such as A, B,  ….. Z, AA, AB, … AZ, BA, BB, … IV. 

If you click the title of the column, the column will highlighted.

Row Heading
For each worksheet in Microsoft Excel, it consists of 65,536 row and each row is label as 1 until 65, 536. 

Active Cell
The active cell is the currently selected cell (its address appears in the Name box); you enter data in the active cell.

Status Bar
The status bar shows information about the selected commands or procedures.

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